Robot-reporter reads news from Uzbekistan in Uzbek, English, Russian, French, Arabic, Chinese, German, Spanish and Kazakh languages.
It was created with the help of artificial intelligence in the press agency UzA robot reporter he started working. Her name was Sabira Kholdorova.
It should be noted that he reads news from Uzbekistan in Uzbek, English, Russian, French, Arabic, Chinese, German, Spanish and Kazakh languages.
It should be noted that in order to protect against fake videos, a special QR code will be placed on each video. It can be used to determine the authenticity of a video.
According to information, Sobira Kholdorova is a historical figure, the first professional journalist in Central Asia and Uzbekistan. It was suppressed during the Soviet era. The aim is said to be to restore his living memory by putting his name on an artificial intelligence.