Today at 18:13
The season of big sweet berries is in full swing. Are you wondering how to choose the right watermelon? We will reveal and add a few interesting facts.
The price varies depending on the place of purchase – in the city center or somewhere further away. Today, watermelon prices in Tajikistan range from 10 to 20 somoni per piece or from 2 to 5 somoni per 1 kg.
How much for the neighbors?
IN Uzbekistan in May of this year, the country’s Cabinet of Ministers published “recommended” minimum export prices for fruit and vegetables.
“In other words, exporting fruits and vegetables from Uzbekistan at prices lower than those set by officials based on their perception of the market situation is now prohibited. The most interesting thing is that the price is set per product, without grading according to quality categories, varieties, etc., which is complete nonsense for fruits and vegetables,” note analysts from EastFruit.
It is now proposed to set the minimum price for 1 kg of watermelon at $0.18 (1.92 somoni).
IN Kyrgyzstan Currently, the wholesale price of watermelons is 15-18 soms per kilogram (1.88-2.25 somoni), the retail price is 20-25 soms (2.50-3.13 somoni).
IN KazakhstanAs noted by the monitoring agency, fruit prices are among the highest in the CIS. Thus, according to local media reports, prices range from 130 to 250 tenge (2 to 5 somoni per kg).
How to choose the right watermelon?
TOP 10 amazing facts about watermelon
NO. 1. Watermelon seeds were even found in Tutankhamun’s tomb. Tutankhamun was the ruler of Egypt in 1335 BC when he was only 9 years old, he died at 19 leaving no heirs.
He was buried in the Valley of the Kings and filled the grave with everything he needed, including watermelon seeds.
Tutankhamun’s tomb
Photo: Reuters
No. 2 Square watermelons, or rather cube-shaped, were developed in Japan about 30 years ago. The square melon was first developed in Kagawa Prefecture on the Japanese island of Shikoku.
No. 3. Watermelon seeds and peels are also edible. The hard shell concentrates magnesium and potassium and also contains a lot of fiber. It is true that you should only eat them if you are sure that you did not abuse chemicals when growing the watermelon.
Peeled peels can be added to salads and smoothies, made into jam and candied fruit, and even pickled. For medicinal purposes, the peels are boiled, the resulting liquid is believed to be useful in preventing urolithiasis and reducing swelling.
As for the seeds, they easily pass through all stages of digestion and leave the body practically in their original form, without causing appendicitis, as is commonly believed.
No. 4. Seedless watermelons are not the result of genetic modification and are completely safe. This melon also has seeds, but they remain in an embryonic state – white, small, soft and easy to chew.
No. 5. The largest watermelon in the world weighed 159 kilograms. This record was set by Tennessee farmer Christopher Kent in 2013. It has yet to be beaten. His result was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.
No. 6. The most expensive watermelon cost 2.5 thousand dollars. The fruits weighed only 11 kilograms and belonged to the Densuke variety (with dark, almost black skin and very sweet flesh). This melon was also grown in Japan.
No. 7. The word “melon” is believed to come from the Iranian “harbuz” meaning “cucumber the size of a donkey”.
No. 8. The flesh of watermelons can be white, and breeders have also bred pink, orange and yellow, hypoallergenic watermelons. Recently, watermelons with yellow flesh can also be found on the shelves of Tajik stores.
No. 9. In the south of Russia there is a delicacy called “nardek” or melon honey. To prepare it, watermelon juice is evaporated for a long time over low heat until it thickens and acquires the consistency of honey.
Photo from
No. 10. Although the sugar content in melons is high, the natural sucrose is well absorbed, so even sweet melons quench thirst well.
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