In recent weeks, he said he realized the need to unite the country and the Democratic Party and decided the best way forward was to “pass the baton to a new generation.”
US President Joe Biden addressed the nation and explained why he left the presidential race.
I am addressing you from the Oval Office. In this holy place, I am surrounded by portraits of influential American presidents. I appreciate this place, but I love my country even more. It was an honor to be your president. America is at a turning point. This is a time in history when our decisions determine the fate of our people and the world for decades to come. America must choose between forward or backward, between hope and hate, between unity and division.
When you chose me, I promised to be honest with you. The truth is more important than any of us. It has become clear to me in recent weeks that the Democratic Party must be united to protect democracy. I believe I deserve a second term because of my experience, leadership and vision for America’s future. But nothing, including personal ambitions, can stand in the way of preserving our democracy. That is why I decided that it is better to pass the baton to the new generation, it is the best way to unite the nation. It is time for people with many years of experience in public life. But there is also a time and place for new, fresh, young voices. And that time and place is now.
Over the next six months, I will fulfill my duties as President and continue to work to ensure that America remains the leader of a strong, protected, and free world. We will continue to build a coalition of countries to prevent Putin from taking over Ukraine. We will strengthen NATO. I will continue to work to end the war in Gaza and bring all the hostages home.
Biden also called on Americans to take advantage of Kamala Harris, who is expected to be the new candidate for the US presidency in the near future.
“We’ve been through a lot — the worst pandemic in a century, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.
I ran for president four years ago because I understood that the American soul was and still is at stake. In a few months, the American people will choose the direction of the country’s future. I have decided. I want to thank our wonderful Vice President, Kamala Harris. He is experienced, persistent, capable. He was an incredible partner and leader of our country to me. Now the choice is yours. The great thing about America is that the people rule here, not kings and dictators. History is in your hands, power is in your hands,” Biden said.
Brutal Reality: What’s Between the Lines of Biden’s Address?
BBC‘Anthony Zurker, North America Correspondent
In his Oval Office speech, Joe Biden promised to always stand with the American people.
But he did not succeed. While he said it was time to pass the baton to a new generation and stressed the need to put party unity and American democracy ahead of personal ambitions, he did not elaborate on why he made the decision just three months before the presidential election.
When you look between the lines, the cold, brutal reality emerges: he resigned because it was becoming clear he was going to lose.
His trailing in the polls, embarrassing debate participation and the growing number of people calling for him to drop out of the Democratic race left him with no clear path to victory.
His speech won’t placate Republicans who say he shouldn’t stay in office if he can’t run.