The decision of the Cabinet of Ministers “On the approval of the procedure for the compensation of damages incurred during the provision of passenger transport services in national trains at the expense of the state budget” was adopted.
From January 1, 2025, the state budget will cover the loss incurred during the provision of services in the transport of passengers on local lines (except for the transport of passengers by high-speed trains and high-speed trains).
It should be noted that from January 1, 2024, the practice of state regulation of freight cars and container services, tariffs for passenger transport on high-speed trains and high-speed trains will be abandoned, which will be regulated on the basis of market principles.
The document approved a temporary regulation on the procedure for compensation for damage caused to the state budget in the provision of passenger transport services in national trains. It defines the following procedures:
● quantification of the carrier’s losses from the provision of passenger transport services in domestic trains;
● consideration of compensation for these damages from the state budget;
● submission of necessary documents for payment of compensation.
By December 1, 2025, a procedure for determining and approving the price of services regulated by the state in the field of rail transport will be developed. In this, motivational mechanisms (bonuses) aimed at increasing the quality of services and operational efficiency will be introduced, as well as the introduction of advance payments.
By July 1, 2026, it is planned to draw up public service agreements (Public service agreement) based on a state order for trains running on national lines in rail transport and draft a financing procedure.
In this case, from 2027, compensatory funds from the state budget will be financed only on the basis of contracts for the provision of passenger transport services in trains on national lines.